Research: Paid and individual license plates, where, how many and which ones were ordered in Ukraine last year.
Research: Paid and individual license plates, where, how many and which ones were ordered in Ukraine last year.
15 models with all-wheel drive, with at least 1,000 ads created, based on an analysis of offers on the Internet in January 2025.
Based on an analysis of ads from the secondary automotive market, the 15 most popular truck models among Ukrainians were identified.
The cheapest models are with diesel engines, with at least 3,000 ads last year.
IDA analysts investigated why the average age in truck ads decreased last year, while prices increased.
The cheapest models are with an "automatic", with at least 3,000 ads last year.
IDA specialists determined the average prices of cars offered for sale in each of the regions.
IDA specialists determined the average age of cars offered for sale in each of the regions.
IDA specialists determined the share of each type of power plant for individual years of production of passenger cars.