In how many days are cars sold with mileage of different price categories.
Experts identified the main trends of the car market and made a forecast based on data analysis of the Main Service Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the aggregator
Rating of 20 models with the lowest average price on the Ukrainian car market
The financial dynamics of the Ukrainian car market, the impact of the war on it and the regions where Ukrainians spend the most money on cars
How the prices of popular models and the average age of cars changed after the return of import taxes
Can joining the European Union give a chance for the revival of the Ukrainian automobile industry?
Dynamics of imports and domestic resales of used cars by engine type: diesel, gasoline, gas, HBO, hybrids and electric
Sales statistics and 5 main reasons why Ukrainians still donʼt get behind the wheel of electric cars en masse
What changes have taken place in the market since the beginning of the year, and how "zero" customs clearance has renewed the Ukrainian car fleet