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Where is it cheaper and where is it more expensive? Price picture of the Ukrainian secondary passenger car market

The Institute of Car Market Research presents an analysis of average prices for used cars in different regions of Ukraine. Based on data from the aggregator, which collects data from most car sales sites in Ukraine, we have identified the regions with the highest and lowest average prices.

Average price in ads

As of December 2024, the average price of all offers for the sale of passenger cars in ads was $6,300 — a relatively high value (for a long time this figure was at $5,500). The increase in the average price is primarily due to the trend of budget offers flowing from large sites on the social network, which can be read in more detail in the review of the price picture from the IDA based on the offer, which is available at this link.

In terms of individual regions, the closest to the average value in December were Ivano-Frankivsk region ($6,500), and Odesa and Chernivtsi regions with the same indicator of $5,900.

Regions with the highest average prices

  1. Kyiv region and Kyiv — the average price of a car here is $8,400, which is the highest in Ukraine. This is explained by high demand in the capital and surrounding areas, higher incomes of the population, and the overall relatively higher activity of car dealerships and dealers.
  2. Lviv region — the average price is $7999. Lviv is an economically active region with a high demand for cars, including those imported from Europe.
  3. Volyn region — the average price reaches $7,000. Proximity to the border contributes to a large volume of imported cars, which affects the price level.

Regions with the lowest average prices

  1. Kherson region — the average price of a car is only $2,900, which is the lowest. This can be explained by the economic difficulties of the region and the lower solvency of the population.
  2. Donetsk region — the average price of cars here is $3,000, which is also due to economic instability and reduced demand due to military operations.
  3. Zaporizhia, Kirovohrad, and Luhansk regions — the average price in them reaches $4,200. Although the figure is slightly higher than the previous two regions, it still remains one of the lowest in the country.

The regions with the highest car prices share common features: economic activity, higher income levels, and proximity to borders, which favors car imports. At the same time, the regions with the lowest prices also share common features: partial occupation of territories and proximity to war zones; less widespread business importing cars from abroad, and a smaller population.

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