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Mandatory inspection in 2023: to be or not to be?

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Rumors are spreading among Ukrainian motorists about the introduction of a mandatory technical inspection of passenger cars as early as January 2023. However, in reality the situation is somewhat different. Why is there so much talk about this topic and what is really happening, the experts of the Institute of Car Market Research tell.

There will definitely be a mandatory technical inspection in Ukraine

On the path of Ukraineʼs accession to the European Union, our country must introduce basic standards unified for all member countries. All directives and terms of their implementation are prescribed in the corresponding action plan approved by the Cabinet of Ministers.

Among other things, several points refer to the introduction of a mandatory technical review in accordance with Directive 2014/45/EU, which describes the general requirements for the procedure in all EU member states. That is, this is a common European practice — there is no country where a mandatory technical inspection would be absent.

Provisions relating to mandatory technical inspection are described in clauses 1797, 1798 and 1800. Within their limits, it is necessary to develop a mechanism for conducting a mandatory check of the suitability of wheeled vehicles for operation, rules for the training and examination of experts, the procedure for the work of the relevant training centers, propose a draft law and discuss it with EU experts. At the same time, we are talking not only about cars that will cross the border with the countries of the European Union, but about all vehicles registered in Ukraine.

Therefore, the technical inspection will definitely be introduced in Ukraine, the only question is in what form and when.

Who will check the cars?

The European practice of conducting a technical inspection provides for the inspection of cars at specialized stations designed exclusively for this procedure. That is, these are not classic service stations that repair cars. In Germany, for example, a well-known TÜV group of companies conducts regular technical inspections, in Poland the free market generally functions — stations belong to different owners and compete with each other.

It is currently unknown what the final version of the draft law on mandatory technical inspection will be. However, it is most likely that in Ukraine it will also be conducted by private companies that have the appropriate equipment and qualified experts — for example, those that already today conduct technical inspections of commercial vehicles and certification of "freshly driven" cars. " In general, it would be logical to replace the certification of used cars from abroad with an initial technical inspection — thatʼs how it works in the European Union ," says the Institute of Car Market Research.

What will be checked during the inspection?

During the technical inspection, elements affecting safety and the environment will be checked. In particular, the braking system, steering mechanism, lighting devices, wheels, chassis and other main units and units. And also — the mileage of the car will be recorded in the unified register of vehicles.

At the same time, machines will be checked according to the standards in force at the time of their manufacture. That is, a 1986 car will be required to comply with the standards of 1986: the car simply must be in good working order. No one will require the installation of a catalytic converter on this car. However, if by design it is provided, but in fact it is removed, you may have problems.

What will be the frequency of mandatory technical inspection?

The norms of the European Union establish the minimum terms for conducting a mandatory technical inspection. A new car must be inspected for the first time four years after the first registration, all other cars — every 2 years. However, each of the EU member states has the right to conduct a technical inspection more often. For example, in Poland, private cars are inspected every year.

In addition, at its own discretion, each of the countries has the right to oblige car owners to undergo technical inspection out of turn: after serious road accidents, during which elements related to car safety were damaged; if the car has been modified or converted; when the car owner changes, and when the mileage exceeds 160,000 kilometers.

Retro cars that have received such a status in accordance with current procedures are exempt from mandatory technical inspection in most EU countries.

When can this happen?

In the plan of measures approved by the Cabinet of Ministers, it was necessary to introduce a mandatory technical inspection in Ukraine by December 31, 2020. That is, this period has already expired.

At the same time, a large number of state bodies and organizations have been appointed to be responsible for the implementation of the new technical inspection system: the Ministry of Infrastructure, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Education and Culture, and Ukrtransbezpeka. Such a situation complicates the development and approval of the draft law, because such a significant number of structures cannot reach a single vision of what the new technical inspection system should be.

In addition, in order for the law to come into force, the peopleʼs deputies must vote for it in the hall of the Verkhovna Rada. Before that, the draft law must go through all stages of review: discussion in committees, voting in the hall in two readings, finally the Presidentʼs signature and publication in the official press. And only after that, the changes will begin to take effect. Usually, this process lasts at least several months.

Therefore, it is impossible to state when exactly this will happen, because today the fourth version of the draft regulatory act is registered in the parliament, which may change many more times during the discussion: deputies can make amendments that will significantly change the original version of the document.

As the Ministry of Infrastructure reported in a letter to the UBR publication, in connection with the military aggression of Russia, the finalization of the draft law has been suspended, and the issue of reforming the system of mandatory technical control of vehicles in Ukraine is planned by the Ministry after the end of martial law.

How not to turn mandatory inspection into a corruption scheme?

Today, in Ukraine, only owners of commercial vehicles — taxis, buses, trucks, trailers, etc. — are required to undergo a regular technical inspection. If this requirement is extended to private passenger vehicles, more than 10 million cars will be subject to periodic inspection.

The average age of used cars on the domestic market in 2022 was 17.7 years, while imported cars were 12.7 years old. In general, more than 35% of the active part of the Ukrainian car fleet are cars manufactured after 2007, that is, more than 15 years old. A significant part of them may have certain problems with the technical condition, in particular with removed particulate filters and catalytic converters.

Such a situation carries high corruption risks, according to the Institute of Car Market Research. According to experts, corruption in the field of technical review and certification can be overcome by control of the bodies that will conduct the procedure and the process itself. In particular, it can be:

  • online video recording of the technical inspection process;
  • blockchain system for keeping a register of issued certificates;
  • personal responsibility of experts for improperly issuing a positive technical inspection report.

In any case, the proper technical condition of the car means your own safety, the safety of loved ones, and responsibility to other road users. Therefore, compliance with the rules of car operation is, first of all, the area of responsibility of the owner or driver.

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