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Electric vehicle market in Ukraine: results of 2024

Itʼs time to sum up the results for the electric vehicle segment for 2024: the total volume of the segment amounted to 77.5 thousand, which is a significant 44.6% more than in 2023. Despite all the challenges, the electric vehicle segment continued to grow confidently last year.

This time we had every chance to observe a flat picture on the diagram, however, as is often the case, it was not without the influence of certain external factors. The August peak is primarily associated with an increase in the import of used cars and partly an increase in the volume of new cars sold. The market was then accelerated by the information wave about the introduction of a 15% tax on first registration, and some buyers were forced to postpone their planned later decisions to August. After which a "statistical hole" appeared, since cars were purchased "from the future". As for December, the volumes would have been higher there, in particular in the domestic market, but due to a failure in the NAIS information system caused by a cyberattack, service centers did not provide services for re-registration of used vehicles for 10 days, and accordingly there was a noticeable drop.

If we were to smooth out the areas caused by external influences, we could conclude that the electric vehicle segment reached its saturation point last year, and if it werenʼt for some other "programmed" events, IDA analysts could say that everything would remain the same (or continue) in 2025. However, since full customs clearance for electric vehicles is returning from 2026, which will lead to an increase in prices for them by 20...40%, some activation in the segment is expected, which will become more noticeable as the calendar year approaches.

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Dynamics of the electric vehicle market in Ukraine in 2024

The structure of the segment at the end of the year is as follows: the basis is imported electric vehicles with mileage, the share of which is 53.2%, or 41.2 thousand units.

The second largest subsegment is domestic resales of BEV cars, with a share of 33.7% and a volume of 26.1 thousand units.

New electric cars occupy 13.2% of their group, and in quantitative terms, this is 10.2 thousand units.

How have the performance of these sub-segments changed year over year?

  • Domestic resales: +60.1%
  • Imports of used cars: +37.0%
  • New imports: +40.9%

Each of the subsegments grew compared to 2023. And although there is a noticeable monthly decrease in volumes in the second half of 2024, due to the aforementioned circumstances (the abolition of customs clearance privileges enshrined in the legislation), this factor will stimulate an increase in the volume of electric vehicle trade.

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Total electric vehicle fleet

As of December 31, 2024, the electric vehicle fleet in Ukraine (excluding industrial electric vehicles, trolleybuses, and rail vehicles) is 139.2 thousand units. Most of it is passenger cars — 135.2 thousand. There are 3 thousand electric trucks, there are also several electric buses (5 pcs.), and about 9 hundred motorcycles.

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