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15.5% of sellers used car re-registration in Diya. June results

Re-registration of motor vehicles in Diya is a relatively new service that became available to Ukrainians from December 2023. The seller and the buyer now do not have to contact the service center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to submit the original documents and get a new vehicle registration certificate and number plates there. The service of an expert car inspection is also included in the optional category — you can use it when reselling a car at your own request, but not in a mandatory manner, as it was before.

Specialists of the Institute of Car Market Research, based on open data of the GSC of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, studied the statistics of the use of the car sales service in Diya, the order of new license plates during June 2024 (in fact, most of the data will be from the beginning of the introduction of the service), and are ready to share the results of this research.

With the help of Diya, you can reissue a car, motorcycle or moped. Provided that this is the first (and only) sale of any of the mentioned TK in the year, because otherwise there is an obligation to pay tax on this transaction, which is not yet administered in Diya, therefore, for the second and subsequent sales, you should contact the TSC of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. These three categories are included hereafter in all numerical data.

In June, a total of 102,300 purchase and sale agreements were concluded for the specified types of vehicles. Including those framed in Diya.

The remote service was used 18,800 times, which is 15.5% of the total number of all purchase and sale agreements concluded in June 2024.

Share of re-registrations in Diya, June 2024.

The overall popularity of this service in the first quarter decreased every month: in January, the share of sales processed using Diya was 12.5% (recall that only the three categories that can be re-processed remotely are taken into account), in February it was 11.8%, in March — 10.6%. Then, in April, the share of those willing to "rewrite" cars without visiting the Ministry of Internal Affairs increased to 22.9%, after which this record was broken by a new value in May: 24.5%!

Shares of re-registrations in Diya (relative to the total number of cars, mopeds and motorcycles).

However, the further from the "overwriting boom" caused by the change in the rules for the mobilization of motor vehicles for defense needs of private owners, the closer all numbers return to the usual (statistical average) values. In April, the share of sales "in a smartphone" was 15.5%, which can be considered a typical value, given that the service should gain more popularity over time.

The number of transport re-registrations in the Diya application by month

The volumes of June can no longer be considered a "stress test" (after May) regarding the throughput of the system, but for now the number of people willing to use distance sales remains at a relatively high level.

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The buyer, who registers a car in Diya, has the option of leaving the license plates of the previous owner (except for those that belong to the paid category, with separate combinations of numbers — 1234, 7777, etc.), or order new plates, for which a digital combination is also possible to select (selection service is paid additionally).

Last month, new license plates with the DI index, which will be delivered to the specified "Ukrposhta" branch, were ordered 2.2 thousand times ( 11.7% of users).

Share of orders for new license plates, June 2024.

Passenger cars were reissued most often in Diya — 96.8%. Motorcycles received a share of 3.1%, the least number of remotely concluded purchase and sale agreements was for mopeds, only 0.1%.

The general picture in terms of age, makes and models of motor vehicles, the sale of which was registered in Diya, repeats the picture of the domestic market, respectively, on a slightly reduced scale.

Types of TK that were reissued in June 2024

In total, since the launch of the service for remote re-registration of cars, mopeds and motorcycles in Diya, 125,800 remote re-registrations for such vehicles have taken place.

Since in April-June, the statistics of remote re-registrations (and the car market in general) were affected by some atypical external factors, to obtain "clean" statistics, we will probably have to wait another month or several, when the wave of re-registrations of "extra" cars subsides. At the same time, it is not excluded that soon we will start to collect and process another mass of information — about customs clearance in Diya, the preparation for the implementation of which, according to information from our sources in the Parliament, is being conducted quite actively.

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