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The domestic market in May: resales increased by 80% — the re-registration boom continues

Auto stats

Experts of the Car Market Research Institute analyzed the statistics of registration operations in May 2024 and determined the state of affairs in the used car market in Ukraine.

During May, a total of 182,200 first registrations and sales agreements concluded within the country for used passenger cars were recorded. This is a significant 79.1% more than in the same period last year in 2023, and 26.1% more than in April 2024.

Dynamics of imports of used cars and domestic resales May-2023 — May-2024

Statistically, sales agreements on the domestic market predominate: 89% of passenger cars with mileage were purchased (and also simply reissued to other close persons) within the country. In quantitative terms, this is 162.2 thousand. The share of imported cars with mileage from abroad decreased slightly and amounted to 11%, but increased somewhat in quantity, from 19.3 thousand to 20 thousand.

Internal resales

In the domestic market during May, service centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs registered 162,200 agreements for the sale of used cars. This is almost double, 90.7% more than in May 2023, and 29.6% more than in April 2024. In general, this is an absolute quantitative record for the domestic market, at least for the past 10 years.

At the same time, the reasons for this extraordinary phenomenon may be the following: according to the experts of the Institute of Car Market Research, the number of actual sales in April and May remained at the level of the previous months, i.e. about 80...85 thousand transactions, the parties of which were real sellers and buyers, without family members or friendly relations. The other part, now about 50%, which gave this statistical jump, are agreements between family members, which are hastily concluded by Ukrainians who officially own more than one vehicle. In this way, trying to get ahead of certain norms of the new laws on mobilization, which allow to potentially seize cars for defense needs from individuals, if they own two or more vehicles.

At the same time, the number of officially donated cars increased significantly: in 2023, an average of 260 cars were donated every month, which totaled 3,167 cars for the year. A record number of cars were donated in April: 4,533 cars, plus 21 buses, 503 trucks, 20 motorcycles, 23 semi-trailers and 60 trailers. In May, the pace of donations increased even more: 9,569 cars, 1,489 trucks, 31 buses, 77 motorcycles, 7 mopeds, 183 trailers, 2 tricycles and one quad bike. It is obvious that the donation option is used as an option to "rewrite" the TK to another person.

The number of resales in the Diya application also increased — at the beginning of the operation of this remote sales method, about 10 thousand transactions took place every month through Diya, in April this number increased to 28.3 thousand, in May 44.4 thousand car owners trusted the new system (and another 1.2 thousand sellers of motor equipment)!

In total, since the launch of re-registration in Diya last December, 102,000 cars were re-registered with its help. The share of such re-registrations in May was 28%.

The largest number of registration transactions on the domestic market was recorded in the Kyiv region (55.6 thousand) and the city of Kyiv (16.4 thousand). The greatest growth of "preemption agreements" is observed precisely in the capital.

Dnipropetrovsk region is in third place (10.7 thousand), Lviv region is fourth with a total of 10.6 thousand, Odesa region is fifth with the result of 9.4 thousand purchase and sale transactions.

Domestic car market by region, May 2024

​The smallest number of agreements was concluded in regions whose territories are partially temporarily occupied or where active hostilities are taking place: in Kherson (615 agreements) and Donetsk (1,242 agreements) regions. Chernihiv (2,640 deals), Zaporizhia (2,802 deals) and Kirovohrad (2,929 deals) regions are also among the regions with the lowest number of resales of used cars. As for the activity of the territorial service centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Luhansk region, this time there are zeros in the reports again.

Import of used cars

In May 2024 , 20,000 imported used cars were registered for the first time, 674 cars more than in April. Unlike the previous section, there were no significant jumps or dips in the "enslavement" segment — no more than natural volume fluctuations within the usual limits. In particular, this indicator is higher, by 20.1%, than it was in May 2023, and slightly higher than it was a month earlier — by 3.6%. Which serves as another confirmation that the volumes of cars actually bought did not increase, but remained at the average monthly values, which were recorded before the "boom of re-registrations".

The first registrations of imported cars with mileage by region, May 2024

​Like last month, the most actively registered used cars imported from abroad were in Lviv region (2.5 thousand first registrations), Kyiv city (2.5 thousand) and Kyiv region (1.6 thousand).

Vinnytsia (1.2 thousand) and Rivne (1.2 thousand) regions were also among the five most active regions.

The fewest "freshly driven" cars were registered in the Kherson (39), Donetsk (68), Kirovohrad (245), Mykolaiv (249) and Chernihiv (290) regions.

It is worth noting that the number of imported cars refers to the number of first registrations carried out by service centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Usually, there is a certain amount of time between the delivery of the car, customs clearance, completion of other formalities and the first state registration — from several days to several months.

  • Do you need a "freshly driven" car? You can order it from a reliable partner of IDA — the company West Auto Hub .

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