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Engine type. What fuel do Ukrainians prefer?


On this page you can follow the trends of how Ukrainiansʼ preferences regarding the type of car engine change. The statistics are formed on the basis of open data of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. The information will be useful for representatives of the media, business and those interested in the automotive market of Ukraine.

The structure of imports of used cars by engine type

Here you can find out how the number of monthly changes has changed and what was the share of imported used cars since November 2018.

Dynamics of imports of used cars by engine type

The structure of imports of new cars by engine type

Here you can find out how the number of monthly cars has changed and what was the share of imported new cars since November 2018.

Dynamics of imports of new passenger cars by engine type

The structure of domestic resale of passenger cars by engine type

The structure of domestic resale of passenger cars by engine type

And for dessert — electric cars

The fleet of electric cars in Ukraine is replenished exclusively by imported cars, as their production will lag behind in Ukraine. Here you can trace the dynamics of imports into Ukraine from abroad of new and used cars with electric motors.

The first registrations of new and used electric cars during January 2018 — June 2021
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